The transfer to value-based care requires invention and adoption of new technology. The MAC is produced with a key known as the Report Key”. As proven in Table 1, Report Secret’s recognized only to the goal enclave and to the EREPORT instruction. The validating (target) enclave can retrieve its own Report Key using the EGETKEY instruction. EGETKEY supplies enclaves with keys, amongst them the Report Key, usable for symmetric encryption and authentication. The goal enclave uses the Report Key to recompute the MAC over the REPORT knowledge construction, and verify that the REPORT was produced by the attesting (reporting) enclave. The Intel® SGX architecture uses AES128-CMAC three as the MAC algorithm.
The TPM depends on the platform offering a Root of Belief of Measurement. To gain maximum trust when issuing TPM Attestation Certificates a binding to a platform credential identifying the Root of Belief for Measurement is required. By providing …